19/09/2016 Playlist

1: Delia Derbyshire & Elsa Stansfield - Circle of Light, Pt. 1
2:Field recording - Mexico 
3:Field recording - Birds in a rainforest in southeastern australia
4:Fenne'O berg - Wouldn’t Wanna Be Swept Away 
5:Ghalia Benali and Bert Cornelis - Hanuman
6:Joëlle Léandre, & G. Lewis - Transatlantic Visions IV
7:ANOHNI - Execution
8:Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Suzanne Ciani - Retrograde
9:Sam Mcloughlin - Crazywell Pool
10:Anna Meredith - Nautilus
11: Urban Psychogeography - Composition 6


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